Constitution of the Irish Association of Advanced Nurse/Midwife Practitioners

The Irish Association of Advanced Nurse Midwife Practitioners [IAANMP] was established to provide a forum to support those involved in the promotion and development of Advanced Nursing and Midwifery practice in Ireland.


The primary aims and objectives of the IAANMP are as follows:

  • To provide support among nurses and midwives practising at an advanced level in Ireland
  • To enable practitioners to debate issues and concerns pertinent to their area of practice
  • To facilitate education and promotion of professional development within and outside the group
  • To cultivate a vision for the promotion of advanced nursing/midwifery practice in Ireland
  • To establish relationships with advanced nursing/midwifery practice organisations in other countries


Membership of the Association is open to those nurses or midwives who practice at an advanced level in Ireland. In addition membership is open to those who are currently working towards becoming advanced nurse/midwife practitioners within the guidelines as stipulated by Bord Altranais agus Cnaimhseachais na hEireann.

Members must be on the current live Register of the Nurse Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI)

Associate Membership

Associate membership is open to facilitators of advanced practice, educators and managers. Associate members are not eligible to be elected to the committee.

Our Story

In 2004 a small group of visionaries convened to address the growing need for Advanced Nurse Midwife Practitioners of all specialties to have a unified voice – today we represent over 400 Registered Advanced Nurse Midwife Practitioners from over 30 specialist areas.

Honorary Membership

Honorary membership may be awarded to certain individuals at the discretion of the Committee and its members. Honorary membership shall cease on the date of retirement of the individual from their employment.


Following retirement and as agreed by the committee members, in certain circumstances previous honorary members may become a president of the association.


Membership may be terminated in the following circumstances;
  • Non-payment of annual fees, or
  • Non adherence to the constitution of the association


The annual membership fee of €50 for Advanced Nurse/Midwife Practitioners and Candidates, and €75 for Associate Members is paid on member registration via the association website with an email receipt. Membership will renew automatically on the anniversary of the first registration following a notification email in advance to the member.


The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a committee consisting of the following:

Deputy Chairperson
Four officers.

Where appropriate and as agreed by the committee, each or all of the above named four committee roles may be co-shared, for the term of office or part thereof.

Committee members will serve for a term of two years with an option of a continuation for a further two years but not more than 4 years in their designated position. A quorum for a committee meeting shall be five of which two must be an officer of the committee.

The Committee shall have the authority to:

  • Co-opt a member of the Association to fill a vacancy, which will be subsequently endorsed at an AGM

  • Establish sub-committees, the members of which shall be appointed at the discretion of the committee

  • Invite persons who are not members of the Association to attend certain meetings to give expert advice


The committee shall meet at least four times per year. The Association will have one AGM and at least one other gathering or conference during the year. The Association shall elect committee members for the forthcoming membership period at the AGM. Nominations should be received by 0900 on the day of the AGM.

Nominees should be in good standing with the organisation i.e. Have a record of membership for a continuous two years prior to the time of nomination. The committee members may present themselves for the position, which shall then be seconded from the floor, in the event of more than one member going forward for an officer’s post, there shall be a ballot.

Should circumstances arise where the AGM cannot take place in the traditional manner every effort will be made to facilitate a virtual meeting. In this extraordinary situation, nominations will be submitted via email at a minimum of 10 days prior to the virtual AGM so that members may have sufficient time to consider nominees and vote accordingly at the meeting.

In certain circumstances it may be necessary for the committee to co-opt a new committee member outside of the AGM. This appointment will subsequently be endorsed at the next AGM.

Committee members are requested to attend at minimum 50% of scheduled meetings.

Our Members Get More

CPD for members ✓ Free annual conference for members with access to presentations following event ✓ Advanced practice and career support ✓ Networking and connecting RANPs/RAMPs nationally and internationally ✓ Eligibility to apply for yearly bursary for educational/research purposes ✓ Repository for RANP/RAMP Research and Innovation ✓

Annual General Meeting

At least thirty days notice shall be given of the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”). The following business shall be covered at AGMs:
  • Minutes of the previous annual meeting
  • Election of Committee
  • Secretary’s Report
  • Treasure’s Financial Report
  • Notices of Motions
  • General Business
At both committee meetings and AGM a written record of each meeting shall be maintained and shall include, for example, issues discussed, action agreed and attendees.


All registered members shall be eligible to vote at meetings. Voting shall be by means of a proposal and seconded. If there is any opposition then voting shall be by show of hands, or by secret ballot.

Associate members shall not have voting rights. Honorary members shall retain voting rights if they were previously eligible for voting rights before becoming an honorary member.


The treasurer shall administer the financial affairs of the Association. Correct accounts and books shall be kept showing the financial affairs, receipts, acquisitions and disbursements of the Association. The accounts shall be formally audited for presentation at the AGM.


The provisions of the Constitution of the Association may be amended or revoked in accordance with the changing needs of the Association. Amendments shall be ratified at AGMs of the Association.

All amendments to this document shall be appended under an amendment document until such time as the Committee deems reprinting of the Constitution necessary.

Amended November 2017, November 2021.


Correspondence shall be addressed to the Chairperson or secretary until such time as a permanent address is established.

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Mr. David Delaney

David is the newly elected Secretary. He currently works in the Emergency Department of University Hospital Limerick. David graduated from the University of Tasmania in Australia and started his career in cardiac care. From there he worked in the Intensive care units of the Royal Hobart Hospital, Tasmania, the Royal Prince Alfred, Sydney, St. James Hospital, Dublin and University Hospital Limerick. He is currently a Clinical Skills Facilitator in the Emergency Department of University Hospital Limerick. He has previously studied a postgraduate diploma in Intensive Care Nursing with NUI Galway and is currently in his dissertation year of this Masters in Advanced Nursing Care also with NUI Galway. David will be a registered Advanced Nurse Practitioner once his MSc is complete. David also holds a position on the student subgroup of the International Council of Nurses NP/APN network.