Dear Members – Earlier this month the IAANMP responded to the NMBI consultation process on the regulatory bodies statement of strategy 20233 – 2025. A copy of the cover email is included below for your information. The full consultation submission can be read here.
Dear Ms Cassidy and Ms McClelland
Thank you for inviting us to take part in both phase 1 and phase 2 of the statement of strategy consultation. This participation has been valued very highly by the Association and we hope to continue to the relationship into the future.
Please find attached a written submission from the Association. The Statement of Strategy document is very comprehensive and forward thinking with lots to be excited about. In the interests of brevity we have addressed some but not all of the questions posed in the survey. However do not hesitate to contact us if further clarification is required. We look forward with anticipation to the exciting times ahead.
Kindest regards
Christine Mc Dermott