Membership of the Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery offers professional development, learning and networking opportunities to registered nurses and midwives meeting the application criteria.

Features of membership

Membership means subscribing to the mission, vision and values of the Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, including life-long learning which you can access through CPD programmes.

Membership gives you the right to use the title MFNMRCSI (Membership of the Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, RCSI).

Learning opportunities are delivered through a ‘blended’ approach. This means delivering CPD and other clinical, education, management and research programmes through both face-to-face and online learning.

Membership provides a conduit to support nurses and midwives to adapt to new policies and future innovations, as we face a future in which Irish health service policy will significantly change.

Membership of professional groups is highly valued as a means of demonstrating professional interest and motivation; it makes explicit individual priorities and professional commitment and is considered a competitive advantage in terms of seeking new job opportunities.

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Our Members Get More

CPD for members ✓ Free annual conference for members with access to presentations following event ✓ Advanced practice and career support ✓ Networking and connecting RANPs/RAMPs nationally and internationally ✓ Eligibility to apply for yearly bursary for educational/research purposes ✓ Repository for RANP/RAMP Research and Innovation ✓
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Mr. David Delaney

David is the newly elected Secretary. He currently works in the Emergency Department of University Hospital Limerick. David graduated from the University of Tasmania in Australia and started his career in cardiac care. From there he worked in the Intensive care units of the Royal Hobart Hospital, Tasmania, the Royal Prince Alfred, Sydney, St. James Hospital, Dublin and University Hospital Limerick. He is currently a Clinical Skills Facilitator in the Emergency Department of University Hospital Limerick. He has previously studied a postgraduate diploma in Intensive Care Nursing with NUI Galway and is currently in his dissertation year of this Masters in Advanced Nursing Care also with NUI Galway. David will be a registered Advanced Nurse Practitioner once his MSc is complete. David also holds a position on the student subgroup of the International Council of Nurses NP/APN network.