Advanced Practice Subcommittee Links
GP ANP IRELAND: We represent a growing number of Advanced Nurse Practitioners working in Irish General Practice. We are committed to driving high standards of evidence based practice; ensuring safe and highly effective patient care. Highly motivated and driven, we believe in Slaintecare’s ethos; Right Care, Right Place, Right Time. Team GP all the way!!!
Emergency ANP forum for IAANMP
The Emergency ANP Forum was established in July 2013 to support the implementation of the recommendations outlined in ‘A Guide to Enhance Advanced Nurse Practitioner Services across Emergency Care Networks in Ireland’ and to address the CPD needs of ANPs. It comprises all RANPs, ANP candidates and other ED nurses who are undertaking an education pathway towards registration as an ANP. The ANP Forum Committee which operates under a terms of reference agreed by the wider forum group comprises of representative RANPs from urban, rural, adult ED, mixed EDs, Paediatric ED and IUs. The Forum has 3 main work streams – Continuing Professional Development; ANP service activity/metrics/key performance indicators; Research and innovation. The Forum also serves as a means to collaborate. The pandemic pushed us towards less national CPD days and more online training or more local training. With the surge in ANPs in EDs and IUs many are forming their own local and regional support groups.
Chair ANP forum:
A national group for advanced nurse practitioners from mental health and intellectual disabilities (MHANPI) is to be formally launched in Dublin in 07/06/2024.
The group aims to promote and showcase the changing face of advanced nurse practice in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities services within the Irish healthcare landscape. Close links with the IAANMP have already been established with both Mental Health and Learning Disabilities representation on the IAANMP committee since November 2023.
The MHANPI group will aim to provide a dedicated national support and networking organization for all ANP and cANPs working with MH and ID services, with shared learning and research opportunities. Whilst a website is being developed, the MHANPI committee can be contacted for further information about the group and the launch at MNANPI
Advanced Practice INMO
The Advanced Practice Section of the INMO consists of registered advanced nurse/midwife practitioners/specialists from across the country who aim to drive positive change and improvements to their professional roles and working conditions.
Section Objectives
· To promote the role and professional interests of the Registered Advanced Nurse/Midwife Practitioner
· To promote the role and professional interests of the Clinical Nurse/Midwife Specialist
· To support the professional development of practitioners and specialists by facilitating seminars and conferences.
· Provide a platform for practitioners and specialists to highlight and discuss issues relating to their professional roles and practices by arranging in person/online meetings.
· Effect positive change by proposing motions at the INMO Annual Delegate Conference.
· Promote the importance of Irish nursing/midwifery research
· Facilitate the publication of articles in the World of Irish Nursing Journal from practitioners/specialists.
· Utilise INMO resources such as the media department/library service and other professional services available to members.
· Establish links with other national and international professional bodies who represent practitioners and specialists.
· To promote the views of practitioners and specialists to relevant bodies, where appropriate, alongside INMO officials.
· To support the wider sections of the INMO by offering the skills, knowledge and expertise of practitioners and specialists.
Section Officers
The section committee is made up of Registered Advanced Nurse/Midwife Practitioners and Clinical Nurse/Midwife Specialists.
Chairperson – Ms. Fiona Colbert Cardiology RANP, Beaumont Hospital
Vice-Chair – Mr. Oliver Allen Emergency RANP, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital
Secretary – Ms. Aoife Dillon Gerontology RANP, St. James’s Hospital.
Education Officer – Ms. Mary Ryan Diabetes CNS, Hermitage Clinic.
Further Information
If you would like further information or would like to become involved with the INMO Advanced Practice Section please contact Section Development Officer Ms. Jean Carroll by email to or visit